
    2021 年 04 月 21 日 @ 12:00:00 – 14:00:00

    現職: 台北慈濟醫院泌尿科兼任主治醫師


    Hsu Geng-Long, Hsieh Cheng-Hsing. eds. A laboratory manual for potency microsurgery. 1st ed. Taipei: MPRC, TMUH, February, 2003
    Hsieh Cheng-Hsing, Hsu Geng-Long. Current role of vascular surgery (arterial and venous) inerectile dysfunction, in INTERNATIONAL BOOK OF ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION, Nadya S. Gotsiridze-Columbus, et al., Editors. 2016, Nova Science Publishers: New York, in press.
    Yu HJ, Chie WC, Hsieh CH, Tsai CC, Lai MK. Clinical efficacy of prostate-specific antigen testing in patients with prostate disease. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 95(10):782-8, 1996.
    Hsieh JT, Chang HC, Law HS, Hsieh CH, Cheng JT. In vivo evaluation of serotonergic agents and alpha-adrenergic blockers on premature ejaculation by inhibiting the seminal vesicle pressure response to electrical nerve stimulation. British Journal of Urology. 82(2):237-40, 1998.
    Hsieh JT, Liu SP, Hsieh CH, Lai MK, Cheng JT. An ex vivo evaluation of regulatory role of biogenic amines in rat seminal vesicle after pharmacological manipulation. Life Sciences. 63(15):PL221-9, 1998.
    Hsieh CH, Huang TH, Law HS, Lin MC. Acquired hypothalamus secretory dysfunction with isolated luteinizing hormone deficiency – a case report. Journal of the Urological Association ROC. 9:36-40,1998.
    Hsieh JT, Liu SP, Hsieh CH, Cheng JT. An in vivo evaluation of the therapeutic potential of sympatholytic agents on premature ejaculation. BJU International. 84(4):503-6, 1999.
    Guh JH, Hsieh CH, Teng CM. Investigation of the effects of some alkaloidal alpha1-adrenoceptor antagonists on human hyperplastic prostate. European Journal of Pharmacology. 374(3):503-10, 1999.
    Yang SSD, Chen YT, Hsieh CH, Chen SC. Preservation of the thin distal urethra in hypospadias repair. Journal of Urology. 164(1):151-3, 2000.
    Chen SC, Yang SSD, Hsieh CH, Chen YT. Tubularized incised plate urethroplasty for proximal hypospadias. BJU International. 86(9):1050-3, 2000.
    Yang SSD, Hsieh CH, Chen YT. Combined use of Nd: YAG contact laser incision and non-contact coagulation necrosis in the treatment of benign prostatic hypertrophy – a preliminary report. Formosan Journal of Medicine. 4:1-7, 2000.
    Hsu GL, Wen HS, Hsieh CH, Liu LJ, Chen YC. Traumatic glans deformity: reconstruction of distal ligamentous structure. Journal of Urology. 166:1390, 2001.
    Hsu GL, Wen HS, Hsieh CH, Chen YC, Liu LJ, Chiang HS. Disturbance of erection-related veins in the human penis. New Taipei Journal of Medicine. 3:245-52, 2001.
    Yang SSD, Hsieh CH, Chen YT, Chen SC. Normal size of the urethral meatus in uncircumcised boys. Journal of the Urological Association ROC. 12:20-3,2001.
    Yang SS, Chen SC, Hsieh CH, Chen YT. Reoperative Snodgrass procedure. Journal of Urology. 166(6):2342-5, 2001.
    Wong WY, Chen YT, Yang SSD, Hsieh CH, Wang CC. Experience with managing renal trauma. Journal of the Urological Association ROC. 12:171-5, 2001.
    Liao CH, Chen YT, Hsieh CH, Yang SSD, Wang CC, Tsai SS. Multiple-Session Percutaneous Sclerotherapy with Alcohol is a Safe and Effective Treatment for Symptomatic Simple Renal Cysts. Journal of the Urological Association ROC. 13:103-7, 2002.
    Chen SC, Yang SS, Hsieh CH, Wang CC, Chen YT. One-stage correction of proximal hypospadias and penoscrotal transposition. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 101(1):48-51, 2002.
    Hsu GL, Hsieh CH, Wen HS, Chen YC, Liu LJ, Kang TJ, Yang SD, Chiang HS. Penile enhancement: an outpatient technique. European Journal of Medical Sexology. 11(39):6-10, 2002.
    Hsu GL, Hsieh CH, Wen HS, Chiang HS. Penile venous anatomy: application to surgery for erectile disturbance. Asian Journal of Andrology. 4(1):61-6, 2002.
    Hsu GL, Hsieh CH, Wen HS. Curvature correction in patients with tunical rupture: a necessary adjunct to repair. Journal of Urology. 167:1381-3, 2002.
    Chen YT, Chen J, Wong WY, Yang SS, Hsieh CH, Wang CC. Is ureteral stenting necessary after uncomplicated ureteroscopic lithotripsy? A prospective, randomized controlled trial. Journal of Urology. 167(5):1977-80, 2002.
    Yang SS, Wang CC, Hsieh CH, Chen YT. alpha1-Adrenergic blockers in young men with primary bladder neck obstruction. Journal of Urology. 168(2):571-4, 2002.
    Hsu GL, Hsieh CH, Wen HS, Hsieh JT, Chiang HS. Outpatient surgery for penile venous patch with the patient under local anesthesia. Journal of Andrology. 24(1):35-9, 2003.
    Hsu GL, Hsieh CH, Wen HS, Chen YC, Chen SC, Mok MS. Penile venous anatomy: an additional description and its clinical implication. Journal of Andrology. 24(6):921-7, 2003.
    Chen YT, Yang SS, Hsieh CH, Wang CC. Hand port-site metastasis of renal-cell carcinoma following hand-assisted laparoscopic radical nephrectomy: case report. Journal of Endourology. 17(9):771-5, 2003.
    Hsu GL, Hsieh CH, Wen HS, Hsu WL, Wu CH, Fong TH, Chen SC, Tseng GF. Anatomy of the human penis: the relationship of the architecture between skeletal and smooth muscles. Journal of Andrology. 25:426-31, 2004.
    Hsu GL, Hsieh CH, Wen HS, Chen SC, Chen YC, Liu LJ, Mok MS, Wu CH. Outpatient penile implantation with the patient under a novel method of crural block. International Journal of Andrology. 27:147-51, 2004.
    Hsu GL, Hsieh CH, Wen HS, Hsu WL, Chen YC, Chen RM, Chen SC, Hsieh JT. The effect of electrocoagulation on the sinusoids in the human penis. Journal of Andrology. 25(6):954-9, 2004.
    Chen SC, Hsieh CH, Hsu GL, Wang CJ, Wen HS, Ling PY, Huang HM, Tseng GF. The progression of the penile vein: could it be recurrent? Journal of Andrology. 26(1):53-60, 2005.
    Hsieh CH, Wang CJ, Hsu GL, Chen SC, Ling PY, Wang T, Fong TH, Tseng GF. Penile veins play a pivotal role in erection: the hemodynamic evidence. International Journal of Andrology. 28(2):88-92, 2005.
    Hsu GL, Lin CW, Hsieh CH, Hsieh JT, Chen SC, Kuo TF, Ling PY, Huang HM, Wang CJ, Tseng GF. Distal ligament in human glans: a comparative study of penile architecture. Journal of Andrology. 26(5):624-28, 2005.
    Wen HS, Hsieh CH, Hsu GL, Kao YC, Ling PY, Huang HM, Wang CJ, Einhorn EF. The synergism of penile venous surgery and oral sildenafil in treating patients with erectile dysfunction. International Journal of Andrology. 28(5):297-303, 2005.
    Hsu GL, Ling PY, Hsieh CH, Wang CJ, Chen CW, Wen HS, Huang HM, Einhorn EF, Tseng GF. Outpatient varicocelectomy performed under local anesthesia. Asian Journal of Andrology. 7(4):439-444, 2005.
    Hsu GL, Chen HS, Hsieh CH, Lin PL, Wen HS, Liu LJ, Chen CW, Liu MW. Insufficient response to venous stripping surgery: is the penile vein recurrent or residual? Journal of Andrology. 27(5):700-706, 2006.
    Hsu GL, Hsieh CH, Wen HS, Ling PY, Chen SY, Huang HM and Tseng GF. Formulas for determining the dimensions of venous graft required for penile curvature correction. International Journal of Andrology. 29(5):515-520, 2006.
    Hsu GL, Chen HS, Hsieh CH, Chen RM, Wen HS, Liu LJ, Chua C. Long-term results of autologous venous grafts for penile morphological reconstruction. Journal of Andrology. 28(1):186-193, 2007.
    Hsu GL, Hsieh CH, Chen HS, Ling PY, Wen HS, Liu LJ, Chen CW, Chua C. The advancement of pure local anesthesia for penile surgeries: can an outpatient basis be sustainable? Journal of Andrology. 28(1):200-205, 2007.
    Yang SSD, Hsieh CH, Chang SJ. Effects of circumcision on urinary tract infection and sexually transmitted disease. Tzu Chi Medical Journal. 21(3): 185-189, 2009
    Hsu GL, Chen HS, Hsieh CH, Lee WY, Chen KL and Chang CH. Salvaging penile venous stripping surgery. Journal of Andrology. 31(3):250-260, 2010.
    Chiang IN, Chang SJ, Yang SSD, Hsieh CH. Ketamine abuse associated with vesicoureteral reflux. Incontinence & Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. 4(2):57-58, 2010. (corresponding author)
    Hsu GL, Chen HS, Hsieh CH, Lee WY, Chen KL and Chang CH. Clinical experience of a refined penile venous stripping surgery procedure for patients with erectile dysfunction: is it a viable option? Journal of Andrology. 31(3):271-280, 2010.
    Hsieh CH, Chen HS, Lee WY, Chen KL and Chang CH and Hsu GL. Salvage penile curvature correction surgery. Journal of Andrology. 31(5):450-456, 2010.
    Chou YH, Yang SS, Chang CP, Hsieh CH; Committee of GU-infection and STD, Taiwan Urological Association. Taiwanese Recommendations for Antimicrobial Prophylaxis in Urological Surgery. Urological Science. 22(2): 63-69, 2011 (corresponding author)
    Hsieh CH, Liu SP, Hsu GL, Chen HS, Molodysky E, Chen YH, Yu HJ. Advances in understanding of mammalian penile evolution, human penile anatomy and human erection physiology: Clinical implications for physicians and surgeons. Medical Science Monitor. 18(7): RA118-125, 2012
    Hsieh CH, Yang SS, Chang SJ. Single-site surgery for simultaneous totally extraperitoneal bilateral herniorrhaphy and transperitoneal radical nephrectomy in one patient. Surg Innov. 2012; 19(4):428-32.
    Lin CD, Tai HC, Wang CC, Chung-Tai Yu CT, Chang SJ, Hsieh CH, Yang SSD. Renal actinomycosis: an unusual cause of a renal abscess. Urological Science. (2012), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.urols.2012.10.001. (corresponding author)
    Chang SJ, Hsieh CH, Yang SSD. Constipation is associated with incomplete bladder emptying in healthy children. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 31: 105-108, 2012
    Hsieh CH, Hung SC, Yang SS, Chang SJ*. Early reinstitution of peritoneal dialysis, without interim hemodialysis, after hand-assisted retroperitoneoscopic radical nephroureterectomy. Perit Dial Int. 2012; 32(1):109-10.
    Yang SS, Hsieh CH, Lee YS, Chang SJ. Diode laser (980 nm) enucleation of the prostate: a promising alternative to transurethral resection of the prostate. Lasers Med Sci. 2012 Jan 27. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 22282073
    Hsu GL, Hung YP, Tsai MH, Hsieh CH, Chen HS, Molodysky E, Huynh CC, Yu HJ. Penile veins are the principal component in erectile rigidity: a study of penile venous stripping on defrosted human cadaver. Journal of Andrology. 33: 1176-1185, 2012
    Hsu GL, Molodysky E, Liu SP, Hsieh CH, Chen HC, Chen YH. A combination of penile venous stripping, tunical surgery and varicocelectomy for patients with erectile dysfunction, penile dysmorphology and varicocele under acupuncture-aided local anesthesia on ambulatory basis. Surgery S12: 008. doi:10.4172/2161-1076.S12-008, 2013
    Chang SJ, Chiang IN, Hsieh CH, Lin CD, Yang SS. Age- and gender-specific nomograms for single and dual post-void residual urine in healthy children. Neurourol Urodyn. 2013; 32(7):1014-8
    Yang SSD, Hsieh CH, Chiang IN, Lin CD, Chang SJ. Prostate volume did not affect voiding function improvements in diode laser enucleation of the prostate. Journal of Urology, 189(3): 993-998, 2013.
    Hsu GL, Molodysky E, Liu SP, Chang HC, Hsieh CH, Hsu CY. Reconstructive surgery for idealising penile shape and restoring erectile function in patients with penile dysmorphology and erectile dysfunction. Arab Journal of Urology (2013) 11, 375–383
    Hsieh CH, Yang SSD, Chang SJ. Are prophylactic antibiotics necessary in patients with preoperative sterile urine undergoing ureterorenoscopic lithotripsy? BJU Int. 2014; 113(2):275-80. doi: 10.1111/bju.12502.
    Hsu GL, Zaid UX, Hsieh CH, Huang SJ. Acupuncture assisted local anesthesia for penile surgeries. Transl Androl Urol 2013;2(4):1-300
    Hsu GL, Hill JW, Hsieh CH, Liu SP, HsuCY. Venous Ligation: A Novel strategy for glans enhancement in penile prosthesis implantation. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:923171. doi: 10.1155/2014/923171. Epub 2014 Aug 7.
    Hsu GL, Hsieh CH, Chen SC. Human penile tunica albuginea: anatomy discovery, functional evidence and role in reconstructive and implant surgery. Global Advanced Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Science (GARJMMS) 3(12):400-407, 2014.
    Liu YB, Yang SS, Hsieh CH, Lin CD, Chang SJ. Inter-Observer, Intra-Observer and Intra-Individual Reliability of Uroflowmetry Tests in Aged Men: A Generalizability Theory Approach. LUTS. 2014; 6(2):76-80.
    Yang SS, Chiang IN, Hsieh CH, Chang SJ. The Tzu Chi nomograms for maximum urinary flow rate (Qmax) in children: comparison with Miskolc nomogram. BJU Int. 2014; 113(3):492-7.
    Chang SJ, Lin CD, Hsieh CH, Liu YB, Chiang IN, Yang SS. Reliability and Validity of a Chinese Version of Urinary Tract Infection Symptom Assessment Questionnaire. Int Braz J Urol. 2015; 41(4):729-38
    Lo CW, Yang SS, Hsieh CH, Chang SJ. Effectiveness of Prophylactic Antibiotics against Post-Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy Infections: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Surg Infect(Larchmt). 2015; 16(4):415-20.
    Lo CW, Yang SSD, Tsai YC, Hsieh CH, Chang SJ. Comparison of Laparoendoscopic Single-site versus Conventional Multiple-port Laparoscopic Herniorrhaphy: a systemic review and meta-analysis. Urol Sci. 2015; 26(2)S42-43.
    Chang SJ, Hsu CK, Hsieh CH, Yang SS. Comparing the efficacy and safety between robotic-assisted versus open pyeloplasty in children: a systemic review and meta-analysis. World J Urol. 2015.
    Chang SJ, Chiang IN, Lin CD, Hsieh CH, Yang SS. Obese children at higher risk for having overactive bladder symptoms: a community-based study. Neurourol Urodyn. 2015; 34(2):123-7.
    Hsieh CH, Huang YP, Tsai MH, Chen HS, Huang PC, Lin CW, Hsu GL. Tunical outer layer plays an essential role in penile veno-occlusive mechanism evidenced from electrocautery effects to the corpora cavernosa in defrosted human cadavers. Urology. 2015;86(6):1129-35
    Hsieh CH, Chen SC, Hsu GL, Chen CC, Hsu CY. Herb Formula Enhances Treatment of Impotent Patients after Penile Venous Stripping: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Andrologia. 2015 Dec 20. doi: 10.1111/and.12508. [Epub ahead of print] Hsieh CH, Yang SSD, Chang SJ. The effectiveness of prophylactic antibiotics with oral levofloxacin against post-shock wave lithotripsy infectious complications: a prospective randomized controlled trials. Surgical Infections 2016; 17(3):346-51
    Hsieh CH, Hsieh JT, Chang SJ, Chiang IN, Yang SSD. Penile venous surgery for treating erectile dysfunction: past, present and future perspectives following innovative venous anatomy. Urological Science 2016, accepted